The broad aims of the association are as follows.
1. Raising profile
- To raise profile of those working in the field, promoting Australasian work internationally, but also increasing awareness of Digital Humanities work within national contexts.
- Facilitate shared awareness around common issues.
- Showcase exemplary and innovative Australasian projects and initiatives.
2. Policy advocacy, lobbying and influence
- Provide advice and recommendations to government agencies and institutions.
- Advocate for the recognition of research output in digital forms.
- To promote the national benefit of Digital Humanities work as a national priority area.
3. Enlarge the field, collaborate
- Connect with other disciplines and knowledge, e.g. social sciences, geography, indigenous studies.
- Promote cross-disciplinary alliances.
- Identify funding sources; seek collaborative funding for research efficiencies.
4. Provide career development and professional advice
- Support individuals in developing career paths, building skills, contacts, and facility for transitioning between sectors.
5. Act as a ‘methodological commons’
- Provide a portal/gateway for the sharing of best practice in digital technologies across a range of fields in the humanities, arts and social sciences.
- Provide guidance and development of standards.
- Promote best practice in the application of Digital Humanities research and teaching.