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The Annual General Meeting of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities will be held as an electronic forum on Wednesday, May 18 2022.


  1. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting

    Minutes of 2018 AGM attached

  2. Financial Report

    Financial Statement attached

  3. Ratification of election results

    The positions of President and Vice-President have been filled by co-option:

    • President: Rachel Hendery

    • Vice President: Tully Barnett

    Three people nominated for Ordinary Member vacancies; as there were three vacancies, all of these people are elected:

    • Shawn Ross

    • Tyne Daile Sumner

    • Terhi Nermiko-Fuller

    This meant that the positions of Treasurer and Communications Manager remained vacant. Susan Ford has volunteered to serve as Treasurer and Tyne Daile Sumner has volunteered to serve as Communications Manager.

    A late nomination as an Ordinary Member was accepted and Alexander Ritchie jons the committee in that capacity.

    The Annual General Meeting is therefore invited to ratify the current committee of the Association as follows:

    • President: Rachel Hendery

    • Vice-President: Tully Barnett

    • Treasurer: Susan Ford

    • Secretary: Simon Musgrave

    • Communications Manager: Tyne Daile Sumner

    • Ordinary Member (3 year term): Shawn Ross

    • Ordinary Members (2 year term): Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Alexander Ritchie

    The Ordinary Member position which was held by Susan Ford will remain vacant until the next election.

  4. Statement for Consumer Affairs Victoria

    Draft of statement attached

  5. Special Business

    a) Deadline for nominations in association elections

    b) Annual statement to Consumer Affairs Victoria

    Details attached

If you wish to participate in the meeting, please make the request via the Google Group.


