2 minute read

A message from Simon Musgrave, aaDH Secretary:

The terms of several members of the aaDH Committee of Management end this month, November 2018.

Hugh Craig generously agreed to fill the role of president of the association when Sarah Kenderdine had to step down; the association is very grateful to Hugh for his service. Executive roles can be filled on an interim basis only until the next election for positions and the position of president is therefore now open.

My term as secretary of the association also ends this month, as do the terms of two current ordinary members of the executive, Cammi Webb-Gannon and Mike Jones. Cammi has already indicated that she will not nominate for another term; we are grateful to her for her sevice also.

The executive as specifed in the rules of the association consists of nine members, with the possibility of additional special members being co-opted. Such an appointment had been in place, but at this election we will return to the nine member model with only one ordinary member position being treated as vacant.

There are therefore three vacancies to be filled:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • 1 x Ordinary Member

Nominations for these positions are now open.

Please note, the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities is incorporated in the state of Victoria and it is therefore a requirement that the secretary of the association resides in that state.

The rules of the association relevant to this process are:

25 Election of officers and ordinary members of the committee

25.1 To be considered valid, nominations of candidates for election as officers of the association or as ordinary members of the committee must be –

25.1.1 made to the secretary by electronic transmission; and

25.1.2 transmitted to the secretary not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the annual elections; and

25.1.3 endorsed by at least one current officer of the association or ordinary member of the committee.

25.2 A candidate may nominate for one or more vacant positions on the committee.

25.3 If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee, the candidates nominated will be deemed to be elected and further nominations may be received at the annual general meeting.

25.4 If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated shall be deemed to be elected.

25.5 If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot must be held.

In relation to rule 25.1.3, I will endorse the nomination of any member in good standing (in the absence of endorsement from another committee member).

In relation to rule 25.5, if a ballot is necessary, it will be run electronically by OUP commencing on November 23 2018. To vote in such an election, it is necessary to be a member of the association in good standing (i.e., a financial member).

Although rule 25.1.2 allows for nominations up to 7 days before the election date, i.e. November 16 2018, it would greatly assist OUP to have details of as many nominees as possible earlier than that date. In addition to sending your formal nomination to me, please also send a short candidate’s statement (ca. 150 words) which will be made available online.