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Nomination for Ordinary Member (2 year term): Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller

Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Australian National University. She focuses on interdisciplinary experimentation into ways digital technologies can support and diversify research in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, and in relation to public culture (including Web Science, and the GLAM sector). She is a CI on two ARC projects (Nyingarn: a Platform for Primary Sources in Australian Indigenous Languages, led by University of Melbourne, and Mapping Print, Charting Enlightenment, led by University of Western Sydney). Terhi is a Research Fellow (2019-2021) of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA; a member of the Territory Records Advisory Council, Australian Capital Territory Government; and a HASS DEVL Champion (2018) at eResearch South Australia. She’s a member of the Steering Committee for Linked Pasts (an international colloquium); and Chair of the Advisory Board for Conductive Music (a not-for-profit in the UK). Her book “Linked Data for the Digital Humanities” is under contract with Routledge. She’s currently working on Liberal Sydney, investigating the development of liberalism in Australian politics.

Nomination for Ordinary Member (3 year term): Shawn Ross

Shawn A Ross (Ph.D. University of Washington, 2001) is a Professor of History and Archaeology and the Director of Digitally Enabled Research at Macquarie University. Prof Rossʼs research interests include digital archaeology, the history and archaeology of pre-Classical Greece, oral tradition as history, the archaeology of Thrace, and the application of information technology to research. Since 2009, Prof Rossʼs work has focused on fundamental archaeological research in Bulgaria, where he co-supervises the Tundzha Regional Archaeology Project, a large-scale archaeological survey and palaeoenvironmental study. Since 2012 Prof Ross has also directed the Field Acquired Information Management Systems (FAIMS) project, which develops data capture and management systems for field research. He is also involved with two other field projects in Australia and one in Greece. Previously, Prof Ross worked at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), the American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad), and William Paterson University (Wayne, New Jersey).

Nomination for Ordinary Member (2 year term): Tyne Daile Sumner

Dr Tyne Daile Sumner is an ARC Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. Her research operates at the intersection of literary studies, surveillance studies, and digital humanities. She has led national digital research infrastructure projects, taught a wide range of digital HASS tools across Australia, and is passionate about interdisciplinary community building and engagement. She is currently Cultural Data Research Fellow on an ARC LIEF project, The Australian Cultural Data Engine for Research, Industry and Government (ACD-E) and co-founder of two research networks at the University of Melbourne: The Humanities and Diverse eResearch Scholars network (HADES) and the ‘Art, AI and Digital Ethics’ collaborative at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics (CAIDE). Her first monograph is Lyric Eye: The Poetics of Twentieth-Century Surveillance (Routledge 2021), which presents new approaches to the study of surveillance with inroads to fields including political science, information science, literature, and digital humanities.