1 minute read

The Algorithmic Humanities

4pm - 5pm Wednesday 16 October 2024

NFSA Studio (places limited)

Chaired by: Dr Tyne Daile Sumner (ARC DECRA Fellow, English & Digital Humanities, Australian National University)


  • Professor James Smithies (Director, HASS Digital Research Hub, Australian National University)
  • Associate Professor Tully Barnett (Creative Industries, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Flinders University)
  • Dr Jessica Herrington (Futures Specialist, Neuroscientist & Artist, School of Cybernetics, Australian National University)
  • Junran Lei (Senior Research Software Engineer, HASS Digital Research Hub, Australian National University)

Thorny ethical, social, and cultural dilemmas have begun to emerge as the use of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ tools becomes increasingly common across the Arts and Humanities. With novel methods and new infrastructural possibilities has also come the increasing automation, commodification and surveillance of research and education. What role will critical thinking, close reading, creativity, artistic integrity, and scholarly honesty play in the rapidly transforming humanities? How can we best embrace and prepare for the AI inundation? What remains steadfast and unchanged despite the extractive economic logic of generative AI? This roundtable and networking event will present five distinct responses to the concept of the ‘Algorithmic Humanities’ and offer a space for articulating perspectives and provocations from a range of disciplines and practices.

Please contact Tyne Daile Sumner to reserve a place.